"I would not be where I am without Jesse. She has such a natural way of helping me identify the changes I want to make in my life and then how to take action. I never feel judged or pressured but always get off the phone with her feeling motivated, inspired, and excited about all the possibilities life has to offer and believing that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to."
Zoe G.
Our ego is terrified of us feeling positive about the goals we have achieved. It equates celebrating with lack of progress and complacency, when in actuality…The whole reason we even care about reaching goals in the first place is in order to feel excited and fulfilled in our lives. If we wait to celebrate until we have reached the “end” goal, we are not capitalizing on all the time we could be feeling great in between.
I have spent the last 10 years building my business, and I have celebrated every step of the way. I danced to my favorite song after I saw my first client; I booked a vacation after I signed my first 5 year office lease, I take time each day to do a gratitude mediation just to name a few examples. I talk to myself in the same voice I use to motivate my clients with love and excitement, and I attribute a huge part of my success to being a master celebrator.