The first key to understanding how to Maximize your Motivation is to get clear about what you truly want. People have a natural desire to be productive and an ability to be successful, but many of them spend most of their time not working towards achieving their goals, why?
The ego is the voice in our heads that is talking to us about what is wrong: it is our misperceptions of others/ourselves, our fears, and our false desires. It is the part of us that thinks if ________, then I will be happy.
“If I make a certain amount of money...” or “if I am perceived a certain way by others” or “if I have a romantic relationship, then I will be happy.”
In reality, happiness is an internal state that is dependent on our own perception. When we believe our ego’s message, happiness is created by achieving something external, we are left feeling perpetually unfulfilled. Letting the ego make decisions can have 2 effects:
1) a dampening of motivation because whatever you achieve you still feel bad or
2) an ability to become highly productive but never actually feeling good about your success because whatever you achieve the ego is onto the next problem to fix.
The True Self is who you actually are. It is what you feel when you are not thinking about anything else. People often have access to this version of themselves when they are doing something they love. It is the part of you that is in the moment, full of joy, and motivated to push yourself to the next level of success.
The True Self sets goals based on what would be exciting, fulfilling and interesting to go after and achieve. When we get in touch with this part of ourselves, there is a clarity and drive that becomes alive inside of us.