The most common mistake people make when setting goals is committing to take too large of an action step initially. I want all of my clients to "think big", and then after we have the big picture I help them break down each goal into bite size pieces. This way they can see the progress they are making each week. It is better to start small, accomplish what you commit to, and gain momentum over time, then it is to start too big and not be able to be true to your word.
Goals need to be: specific, clear, and manageable.
An example of an undefined goal would be, “ I want to be healthier and look better.” A specific goal would be "I want to lose 10lbs over the next 3 months and feel hot in my bathing suit. "
A vague goal would be "I want to eat healthier this week." A clear goal would be "I am going to carve out 4 hours on Sunday to dedicate to eating healthy this week.1 hour will be for a meal planning, 1 hour for shopping and 2 hours for organizing and preparing the food."
The steps that you are going to take this week should feel easy and doable. If Sunday does not feel like an easy time to carve out 4 hours then the eating healthy goal is not set up manageable.
“One of the reasons Jesse is such an effective coach is because she is such a good listener. She takes the time to help her clients identify their heart-felt desires. She also knows how to breakdown the big goals into attainable steps that fit the client’s lifestyle and personality. Jesse uses her own life experience as a resource for helping others, having made careful choices about how to go after her dreams. She is an invaluable resource to have on your life team. She has helped me a lot.”
Deb D.