What is coaching?
Coaching is a structured program that enables you to get clear about what you want in your business or personal life, and to take steps to create it. The coaching is done in 45-minute calls or office visits once a week.
Coaching is a structured program that enables you to get clear about what you want in your business or personal life, and to take steps to create it. The coaching is done in 45-minute calls or office visits once a week.
It is a process that typically takes six months to a year. During the coaching process I will ask you specific questions, give you homework assignments, and help you set and meet goals.
Since you are an expert in your own life, my job is to help you uncover the answers that you already possess inside of you, and to hold you accountable to reaching your potential. My private psychotherapy practice since 2005 combined with being a Certified Professional Coach has provided me a platform to hone my skills of posing the right questions at the right time, and identifying pathways to maximize your motivation.
In fact in a study completed with 100 US executives on measuring coaching effectiveness over 6-12 months showed huge benefits from using coaches. The executives who received coaching reported the following benefits as tangible business impacts (% = frequency impact reported):
Productivity - 53%
Quality - 48%
Organizational Strength - 48%
Relationship with Direct Reports - 77%
Reduced Conflict - 52%
Job Satisfaction - 61%
*Study by McGovern, Lindemann, Vergara, Murphy, Barker, and Warrenfeltz with Manchester, Inc.